Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Good News!

So some big news came in today! We got an offer on the house today. Our realtor submitted it to the bank after hours today, so hopefully we will hear something in the next few days. What a huge relief. I realize that it's not finalized yet, but it's a good start.

This picture was taken right after Bella woke up from her nap this morning. She is such a happy girl.

Bella has her 6 month appointment tomorrow. I can't believe that she is already 6 months. I am excited to find out how much she weighs and her length, but all her shots she has to receive makes me sad.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

6 Months

Bella is 6 months old today!!! Where did the time go?!?! What is she up to these days?

  • If I were to guess, she weighs around 16lbs. We have a doctor appointment on Wednesday, so we will find out for sure then.

  • She is just moving out of size 2 diapers. They still fit her, but they are starting to get snug.

  • She is the happiest baby. She wakes up happy and goes to sleep happy. She gets really excited around 5:30 everyday, when her daddy comes home from work. She kicks those feet and grins ear to ear.

  • She really doesn't care one way or the other for her paci's, but she loves to suck her thumb. She does it when she is tired or hungry. I think it's the sweetest thing

  • She has started sucking on her feet. She will pull on her socks until she gets them off, then goes to town with her feet in her mouth. Oh, to be that limber! Ha!

  • She loves to be sang to. She likes "Elmo's World", "The Barney Song", and "Rock a Bye Baby", the best. She just coos and grins when you sing to her, even if the person singing it is tone deaf! :)

  • Santa got her an exersaucer for Christmas, and she loves to bounce. Even after you take her out and hold her, she bounces on your lap.

  • She has the cutest laugh ever. It's a cross between a cackle and a squeal. I love it!

  • Bella has mastered rice cereal, fruits, and vegetables. The only thing she is not a fan of is applesauce.

It's so hard for me to believe that she is already half a year old. These past 6 months have gone so fast. I want these next 6 months to SLOW down!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Brownie Recipe!

I was in a baking mood today, so I went rummaging through the cabinets to see what ingredients I had to work with. I found enough ingredients to whip up some brownies. I found a really good brownie recipe online, that called for Irish Creme to be added. We didn't have any, so I subsititued with Kahlua, and I must say, they turned out quite well. These turn out really chewey/fudgey and less cake like. I also doubled my ingredients and used a 13 x 9 pan. Enoy!

3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup butter
2 TBS water
2 cups chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt (I usually just put a pinch)
1/4 tsp baking soda
** I added 2 TBS of Kahlua. The orignal recipe called for 4 TBS of Irish Creme.

**you can easily double the recipe which I did this. I used an 13 X 9 pan for double the recipe.

In a medium bowl combine flour, salt and baking soda. Set aside. In saucepan, over medium heat, bring sugar, butter and water to boil.

Remove from heat. Stir in 1 cup chips and vanilla or any flavoring you like or both! Stir till smooth. Cool 5 minutes. Beat in eggs 1 at a time until well mixed. Add flour mixture and combine.

Add 1 cup chocolate chips and combine quickly so as not to completely melt the chips ( if they do ...it is OK they still come out great!).

Pour into a greased, 8x8 square pan.

Since I doubled it, I used an 13 X 9 pan.

Bake in a preheated oven set at 325. for 35 minutes. (if doubling it let bake for an additional 3-5 minutes). Cool completely.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


We had some snow today. It wasn't as much as was expected, but it was still pretty! I kept taking Bella to the door to look out, and I told her it was her first big snow! I took some pictures of the snow


Bella has started chewing on her feet. I think it is the cutest thing! Her daddy took some good pictures of her, if I do say so myself! I love her expression in this first one. It's like she is saying...."Dad, puh...leeze! I am trying to eat my feet here!"

That's all for today. See ya!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Post

Hello all! I thought I would jump on the blog wagon. I hope to keep up with this and write about things going on with our family, primarily Bella. I hope to be able to organize all her firsts, as well as post many pictures, to keep everyone in the loop. I also thought this would be a good way for our family to keep up with us, especially her grandparents who are going to be gone for a couple months.